Unser Tanzarchiv
Alle gelernten Tänze seit 2007

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U W XYZ 1,2,3... Unsere aktuellen Tänze 2025


Tanz Musik Interpret Link Trainer
Down on your Uppers Down on your Uppers Derek Ryan
Day of the dead Day of the Dead Wade Bowen
Down to the Honkytonk Down to the Honkytonk Home Free
Drinking with Dolly Drinking with Dolly Stephanie Quayle
Desirable Everybody Chris Janson
Diamond Dreams Diamond Dreams Castro
Dig your Heels Here`s to you & I The McClymonths
Dear Friend Carry you home Ward Thomas
Dance her home Dance her home Cody Johnson
Do you love me Do you love me The Contours
Dirty dancing I had the Time of my Life Bill Medley & Jennifer Warnes
D.H.S.S. A World of blue Dwight Joakam
Dance like you`re the only one Sun goes down David Jordan
Dancing in the Dark Smoke rings in the dark Gary Allen
Doctor Doctor Bad case of lovin` you Robert Palmer
Dizzy Dizzy Scooter Lee
Don`t feel like dancing I don`t feel like dancing Scissor Sisters
Dancing Violins Duelling Violins Ronan Hardiman

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U W XYZ 1,2,3... Unsere aktuellen Tänze 2025
